$300 Vie Spa Voucher
Voucher Terms & Conditions
Please note this voucher is to the value of $300. Voucher is valid for 3 years from time of issue (unless otherwise stated) and subject to availability.
Voucher is non-refundable, non-exchangeable for cash and must carry an authorised unique voucher number. Valid only for redemption at Pullman Magenta Shores Resort outlets, excluding Magenta Golf and must be redeemed in a single transaction and/or accommodation vouchers must be redeemed for consecutive nights’ stay. A physical or digital copy of the voucher must be presented and in the case of loss, destruction or expiry, the voucher cannot be replaced. Reservations are essential and when doing so, the bearer must indicate that the payment will be by the quoted voucher number. Voucher redemption is subject to availability, and special events, public holidays or school holidays may be excluded or incur an additional fee.
$300 Vie Spa Voucher
854 in stock
Voucher Terms & Conditions
Please note this voucher is to the value of $300. Voucher is valid for 3 years from time of issue (unless otherwise stated) and subject to availability.
Voucher is non-refundable, non-exchangeable for cash and must carry an authorised unique voucher number. Valid only for redemption at Pullman Magenta Shores Resort outlets, excluding Magenta Golf and must be redeemed in a single transaction and/or accommodation vouchers must be redeemed for consecutive nights’ stay. A physical or digital copy of the voucher must be presented and in the case of loss, destruction or expiry, the voucher cannot be replaced. Reservations are essential and when doing so, the bearer must indicate that the payment will be by the quoted voucher number. Voucher redemption is subject to availability, and special events, public holidays or school holidays may be excluded or incur an additional fee.